2024 was unforgettable—athletes from around the world pushed their limits at the debut of the 100M Championship in Hvar.
Join us again in Hvar, Croatia, for a weekend of OCR and cultural immersion at the Sprint 5K & 100M Championship. Conquer swims, floating obstacles, and a climb to the iconic fortress. The course blends rocky shores, stunning beaches, and city running, giving you a unique chance to race through Hvar’s beauty and history.
The Main Events:
Spartan Trifecta Weekend
Earn a Trifecta on the island of Hvar, alongside the 100m and Sprint World Championships. Take on the Sprint, 5K Super, and Beast 21K races to earn championship medals and the coveted Trifecta Weekend medal, adding a tally to your Trifecta count. Race through stunning trails, ancient ruins, and pristine beaches in one of the world's most picturesque locations. Enjoy a weekend of celebrations with Hvar's perfect climate, rich culture, and vibrant nightlife. Conquer world-class obstacles and forge new friendships. Elite heats available on Beast 21K and Sprint 5K only.